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Board Schedule & Meeting Minutes


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SRSSOA Annual Board Meeting Minutes

Click a year to expand. Click the date to download a PDF of the full Meeting Minutes.


October 10, 2024 – APPROVED

October 2, 2024 – APPROVED

July 24, 2024 – APPROVED

June 15, 2024 – APPROVED

April 18, 2024 – APPROVED

January 31, 2024 – APPROVED


November 11, 2021

November 4, 2021 – Download the Projected Budget.

The General Meeting of SRSSOA was held on the evening of November 4, 2021, at Temple Beth-el in Las Cruces. Board Members Adolf Zubia (President), Glen Benefield (Vice President) and Donnell Bell (Secretary/Treasurer) Adolf and Glen (acting Design Review Committee) were present.

A quorum was established. More than one-hundred-fifteen eligible SRSSOA residents (voters) and/or their proxies were present.

President Adolf Zubia brought the meeting to order.

Approval of minutes: The president asked for a motion to approve the September 24, 2021 SRSSOA board meeting minutes. A motion was made, seconded, and the membership responded with Aye. No objections or abstentions were noted. September 24, 2021 minutes were approved.

Pandemic Issues: The president spoke about the pandemic limiting some of the activities of the board, including in-person meetings. Therefore a 2020 general meeting was not held.

AC unit compliance issues remain an issue. Approximately 40 homeowners were sent letters of noncompliance in early 2020. Only Five (5) current homeowners remain out of compliance. An additional letter will be sent to each of the noncompliant homeowners informing them that if they do not comply with the SRSSOA covenants, additional action will be taken by the SRSSOA Board of Directors.

Landscape damage and insurance coverage: The July monsoon storm caused significant damage to our landscaping. A significant number (estimated fifteen trees) were destroyed and removed at a cost of approximately $7,200. Our landscaping was insured. The insurance company has reimbursed SRSSOA $15,000 (excluding our deductible). We have utilized those funds to cover the expenses incurred this year and have allocated $8,611 in this year’s budget for landscape restoration. With the high cost of plants and trees currently, the board has decided to wait until prices come down before considering what action to take in addressing our landscaping.

Some of the Main Compliance issues through our Homeowner’s Association:

Paint Colors. The president stressed that the covenants state that homes should be stucco’ed with a desert color of brown, tan, or HOA-approved color. White is not an approved color for homes. If you place a shed or other DRC-approved structure, the roof (tile) and siding must match the existing of the home.

Setback requirements shall conform to each of the SRSSOA covenants. The homeowners are asked to review their covenants and or contact the SRSSOA Board for clarification and or direction.

Roof issues. Asphalt on flat roofs, if not visible, is permitted. No metal or asphalt shingles shall be visible. Design Standards call for “Spanish” tile roofing.

Solar Panels: If residents place solar panels on rooftops, the panels should follow the roof lines or be placed where their visibility is limited, if at all possible.

Satellite Dish and Antennas should be placed in an inconspicuous area so as not to detract from the home or interfere with neighbors’ views or aesthetics. Placed in the rear portion of the residence roof may be preferable.

Weeds on Resident’s Property. With a strong monsoon season, we developed a problem with weeds. Residents are reminded that their property should be well maintained and weed abatement should occur. Residents are reminded not to have to cold weather control their weeds. Residents have a responsibility to control weeds in the walkway, hilly areas, behind rock fences, – specifically Golf Club Road.

Sonoma Ranch Golf Course (Guest Speaker). Bo Cichuniec, the General Manager of Sonoma Golf Course manager spoke about what is being done to restore the golf course, e.g., irrigation, filtration, and replanting of grass. Bo indicated that it may take until the end of next year to get the golf course to their standards.

Bo was unable to provide any information regarding any future activities at the driving range.

Mailboxes: The areas where the mail boxes are located is owned by the SRSSOA. We have received a number of complaints regarding residents utilizing the parking spaces at the Sonoma Springs mailbox area for their private parking spaces to include parking their vehicles overnight. The Board will be restricting the parking and limiting it for mailing letters/packages and picking up mail. The parking restrictions may be to have vehicles towed at the owner’s expense.

The Board is currently getting quotes on handicap ramps/striping and appropriate signage.

New Business:

Ebbs, Roberts, Head & Daw, Inc. representative was on hand to go over the 2021 budget as compared to the 2022 budget.

Major items in which the membership must vote because the costs are more than $2,000 are:

HOA Property and General Liability: 2021 $5,554 increased 7.5 percent in 2022 to $5,974.

Director and Officers Liability Policy: $2,266 (Same)

Note: Emergency expenditures that exceeded $2,000, this past year were: Two fees $2,789.05 and $2,550.76 for tree and debris removal caused by the storm. A third fee for $1,705.82 (stump removal) was all incurred. Total $7,045.63. SRSSOA insurance has covered the cost of these expenditures.

HOA Dues: SRSSOA dues will remain at $100 per year per resident.

NO ACTION or Vote was taken on the budget as voting members had left the meeting and there was no longer a quorum. A follow up letter or meeting will be utilized in order to get approval for next year’s (2022) budget.

Recruiting of Board Members: Currently all three existing board members are serving the last of a three-year term. President Adolf Zubia encouraged and welcomed volunteers to step forward.

The Board of Directors was approached by a couple of members who were interested in potentially serving on the board.

Motion to Adjourn: A motion was made to adjourn. The motion was seconded with no abstentions or objections.

Respectfully submitted,
Donnell Bell
SRSSOA Secretary/Treasurer

November 11, 2021

In attendance: Donnell Bell, Glen Benefield, Adolf Zubia

Adolf Zubia called the meeting to order at 3:07 p.m. Per SRSSOA bylaws, a quorum was determined present.

Secretary’s Report: All board minutes as of October 7, 2020, have been board approved.

Old Business:

SRSSOA President Adolf Zubia addressed that there are approximately six homeowners still not incompliance regarding oversized/replaced air conditioning units.

Action Item: May submit an additional letter to non-complying residents and if they fail to respond additional action may take place. Action such as a letter on file with the county clerk. This will notify future homeowners the property is not in compliance with governing covenants. Final decision will be deferred until after the November annual meeting.

Website update:

Donnell Bell has contacted Lisa at Tabbycat Designs for SRSSOA website. Awaiting response.

New Business


SRSSOA had a great deal of damage from the monsoon season, e.g., uprooted trees, branches, etc. We have filed a claim with Campbell’s Insurance and await a reimbursement. Exact insurance reimbursement amount will be provided when we receive their payment. The total cost of the debris and tree removal was approximately $6,700.

Handicap Spaces in mailbox parking areas

Discussion about contacting a sign company to mark handicap spaces in the mailbox areas. Vice-President Glen Benefield suggested moving one of the tire stops to accommodate the handicap parking space.

Mailbox Area Parking

It appears local residences are still using the mailbox parking lot as their private parking area 24/7. At this time, it appears that we can’t legally restrict this practice, however, we are exploring posting additional signage and taking action after notifying the applicable/appropriate residents. It should be noted that by designating Handicap parking. this will further reduce the parking available for the residents who park in the parking spaces to access their mail.

Action Item:

Move tire stop and paint the handicap parking spots.


The board discussed looking for an attorney to replace former one. No action was taken at this time.

Weeds and More Weeds and other issues

Weeds are a problem addressed this time of year; the monsoon season made it worse. The area we received the most complaints were the properties off Golf Club Road. The slope areas behind the homeowner’s rock walls are still part of their property. The second most complaints we received is the rental properties that the occupants are not appropriately taking care of the property. We ask that all homeowners take pride in ensuring their properties are well maintained.

3560 Cactus Gulch:

The owner of 3560 Cactus Gulch is seeking approval for a view deck. Adolf has viewed the property and determined it falls in line with covenants.

Donnell Bell made a motion to allow the view deck completion. Glen Benefield seconded. Motion carried.

2014 Sedona Hills

The owner is adding a new room. There was some concern that the roof in addition encroached into the five-foot side setback of the property. Based on the plan reviewed by Adolf, he indicated they were in conformance with the side setback requirements.

Donnell Bell made a motion to approve. Glen Benefield second. Motion carried.


Insurance Quote/Expenditures.

General Liability cost $5,974 (increase of 7.5%)
Directors and Liability Insurance $2,266 (same)

Donnell Bell made a motion to approve payment of these budgeted insurance costs. Glen Benefield seconded. Motion carried.


The board agreed to keep membership dues at $100 until further notice.

Donnell Bell made a motion, Glen Benefield second. Motion carried.

2021 SRSSOA November 4, 2021

The board reviewed Adolf Zubia’s proposed meeting agenda for November 4, 2021.

A motion was made to adjourn the meeting. Motioned seconded. The meeting was adjourned.

Respectfully submitted,
Donnell Bell
SRSSOA Secretary Treasurer


Sonoma Ranch South Subdivision Owners Association Board of Directors’ Meeting
7 Jan 2016 Steinborn Offices, Roadrunner Parkway 5:30 PM
Directors Present: Arlon Parish, Kris Murthy, Gary Freeman, Clay Sims, Mike Flynn

Business Conducted: The meeting began at 5:30.

  • 1. Golf Club Road Irrigation Project: Not as simple an issue as it appears – City code calls for HDPE use but City inspectors report a lot of problems associated with it due to improper installation and, our landscaper – ERM – is reluctant to attempt to install it. PVC is a cheaper material and is a commonly used alternative but requires more labor and multiple joints. Arlon and Mike are to check with various contractors to see if they can identify a plumber/contractor that has experience with HDPE installations and who can provide a quote for installation along GCR. Group is to get back together on this issue within 10 days.
  • 1A. The long overdue landscaping along Sonoma Ranch Blvd adjacent to The Boulders has been completed. Any further landscaping is the responsibility of The Boulders.
  • 2. Election of Officers: The folowing officers were elected: President – Arlon Parish Treasurer – Kris Murthy Vice President – Gary Freeman Secretary – Mike Flynn
  • 3. Establishment of Committees: Discussion as to the role and membership of the committees. Conceptually, the committees would do much of the legwork involved and bring their recommendations for courses of action to the Board. The following committees were mentioned as possibilities: Protective Covenant Enforcement, Design Approval, Landscape Management, Publicity, Government Interaction (Streets, Safety, Parks, Public Hearings, etc.), Golf Course Owners Interaction. The idea is to get additonal HOA residents to participate in/lead these committees. However, a formal structure/process will need to be established in order to maximize their utility.
  • 4. Monument Lighting: Presently have 2 bids from from electricians (with different scopes of work) to replace the light fixtures with industrial, exterior LED fixtures and a photo cell. Lights are currently working so this issue was pushed until it becomes more urgent. In the meantime, we will contiue to solicit bids and concepts for redoing the monument lighting.
  • 5. Irrigation Lines to Roadrunner Pkwy median: City is not interested in including this work with the new stoplight and intersection reconstruction work that is scheduled for the near term. They unofficially recommended that we contact the contractor selected to do the work, once the final effort is put out for bid, and arrange for him to do the work as the area will already be torn up in the original scope of work.
  • 6. New Management Agreement: The new management agreement has now been signed by all parties and is in effect. It is unchanged from what we proposed.
  • 7. Web Site Production: Web site production is moving, but very slowly. Documents are being gathered for the archive aspect, the domain name has been secured (Sonoma Ranch South – LC), and effort is being devoted to creating a respectable product.
  • 8. Liability Premium Adjustment: In doing research for possible insurance options, Gary Freeman discovered that both the Boulders Communities and we all have the same insurance agent and similar policies through the same company – to include overlapping/redundant liability insurance for those houses in the Boulders communities and director’s liability. Based upon that situation, he was able to obtain a refund for this past year ($1922) and is now attempting to obtain a refund for as far back as the insurance company will grant us. Our insurance coverage going forward has now been appropriately reduced.
  • 9. Future Meetings: Going forward, Directors’ meetings are scheduled on 7 April, 7 July, and 6 October, with the general membership meeting to be held on 3 November. 10. Casa de Soledad (CdS-Condos) As a result of receiving an Estoppel Agreement from CdS pending a sale to an out-of-state investor, it was determined that the condos are within the SRSSOA geographic area (Cave Creek #3). They have never been an active part of the HOA. There is a clause in the Cave Creek #3 Protective Covenants that precludes the condo owners from being a part of the HOA. The lawyer has been engaged to determine the timeline of the proposed sale, to rewrite the proposed Estoppel Agreement so that it can be signed, to determine the intent of the original developers relative to the condos and the HOA, and to determine if it is in our best interest to have the condos removed from our HOA geographic area.

Meeting was adjourned at 6:50 PM.


SONOMA RANCH SOUTH SUBDIVISION OWNERS ASSOCIATION Board Meeting, Thursday, December 3, 2015. Steinborn Realty Office, Las Cruces, New Mexico.

The meeting was called to order by President Arlon Parish at 5:45. Board members present were: Treasurer Kris Murthy, Recording Secretary Yvonne M. Flores; members at large Gary Freeman, Clay Sims, and Mike Walczak. Absent: Mike Flynn.

The position of Vice-President remains vacant. The purpose of this Board meeting was to set meeting dates for 2016 and establish plans of action for areas of concern.

Agenda Items:

  • 1. GCR irrigation rehab project. Kris gave a detailed report of actions taken. He and Arlon met with City personnel. Kris believes a pressure test is necessary. HDPE, which is tubing cannot be done by Mike Montoya, the SOA’s landscaper. Kris needs to find out who can do it. Extensive discussion followed. Action: Further information to be gathered regarding materials, water pressure, and prospective contractor know-how.
  • 2. SRB landscape project will begin in January 2016. The project was approved as a prospective 2016 budget item at the Annual General Membership meeting on November 5, 2015. Kris volunteered to be project manager. Discussion followed. Action: The project will move forward as soon as possible in or about January 2016.
  • 3. Website construction. Due to Mike Flynn’s absence, the item was tabled.
  • 4. Mission statement. Due to Mike Flynn’s absence, the item was tabled.
  • 5. Board and premises liability. Gary Freeman led an extensive discussion as to premiums and per incident coverage on a comparative basis between various carriers. Action: By consensus, the Board agreed to stay with our current carrier, Liberty Mutual.
  • 6. Management Agreement. Arlon asked the Board members to read the proposed management contract and send critiques via email in a week or two. Action: Final management agreement to be sent to management company, Roberts, Head & Daw, Inc., by January 5, 2016.
  • 7. Monument Lighting. Arlon reported that there have been continuing problems with the lighting on GCR and RRPKWY. Discussion followed. Gary volunteered to have his electrician look into it. Action: Board agreed that Gary would have his electrician give him a cost estimate to repair identified problem.
  • 8. Traffic Signal at GCR and RRPKWY. Arlon and Yvonne shared information gathered from City Councillor Gill Sorg and other City sources that construction would begin in December 2016. Discussion followed. Action: Board decision to see how and when the permanent traffic signal will be installed.
  • 9. Postal Station Irrigation/Landscaping. Kris reported on the condition of the plants and water runoff due to rain. Discussion regarding 2016 budget line item allocation. Action: Kris and Amman (Kris’ spouse) will look into plants.
  • 10. Establish Standing Committees: Tabled.

Meeting was adjourned at 6:40.


SONOMA RANCH SOUTH SUBDIVISION OWNERS ASSOCIATION ANNUAL Meeting Thursday, November 5, 2015. The 2015 Annual meeting of the Sonoma Ranch South Subdivision Owners Association was held on Thursday, November 5, 2015 at Hotel El Encanto on Telshor Blvd. in Las Cruces, New Mexico.

A quorum was established by member volunteers.

The meeting was called to order at 7:07 p.m. by President Arlon Parish. The other officer present was Yvonne-Magdalena Flores, Recording Secretary. Treasurer Kris Murthy was absent due to a calendar conflict. Board Member at Large Mike Walczak was present. Also present was Charlie Roberts of Ebbs, Roberts, Head, and Daw, Inc., Management Company.

Agenda Items:

  • 1. Approval of Minutes of 2014 Annual Meeting. After reading of Minutes by Recording Secretary Yvonne M. Flores the Minutes were approved by the membership.
  • 2. Introductions: Charlie Roberts was introduced.
  • 3. Budget Items-2016: Line items discussed were the irrigation system along the medians on GCR from RRPKWY to Sonoma Ranch Blvd.; landscaping on Sonoma Ranch Blvd., abutting Boulders at Sonoma Ranch; and rehab of post office stations. Discussion ensued, including the need to increase dues from $135 to $140 per year. Action: Unanimous approval of Budget for 2016.
  • 4. SRSSOA Management contract with Ebbs, Roberts, Head and Daw, Inc., for 2016 was being prepared and would be ready soon.
  • 5. Elections. Arlon encouraged participation, but that all seats were filled for now.
  • 6. Discussion Items. The floor was opened to the membership to raise issues that concerned them. George Timmerman, President of the Boulders at Sonoma Ranch Home Owners Association, thanked the SRSSOA Board for allocating funds for the right of way landscaping. A question was raised as to a playground at Palm Canyon as to which entity is responsible for maintenance. Also discussed in this open forum part of the meeting, were covenants enforcement and City Codes jurisdiction. Additional comments were made about the runoff rain/mud/rock filled onto GCR heading north off of RRPKWY. One member’s car was damaged and repairs were expensive—the land is owned by Las Cruces Public Schools. Safety issues were raised regarding the erosion surrounding Desert Hills Elementary School. There was concern about Desert Trails handicap accessibility which is non-existent. Members were encouraged to contact the City and LCPS.

Meeting was adjourned at 8:30 p.m.

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